Seven benefits of saying grace as a family

Reasons to pray as a family at mealtimesA couple of years ago one of my son’s friends was over at dinnertime. As gathered around the table I asked if he minded if we said a quick prayer over the food. He said he didn’t mind, so we went ahead and said grace. His family is religious so I assumed it was a normal thing at their house. Later he mentioned that they never pray as a family. I was so surprised, do they know what they’re missing out on? Here are seven benefits of saying grace as a family.

You may be thinking, another post about saying grace? And I’m going to answer with an enthusiatic ” Yes!”

I feel strongly that praying as a family over your meal is an integral part of family dinner. I’ve already shared my three favorite reasons to say grace but today I’ll share seven benefits of saying grace as a family. You may not see each of these things as a compelling reason to pray together as a family over your meal but they help your family members in positive ways.

1. Saying grace gives an official start to dinner

I love order and so I love the routine of gathering, praying and then eating. Dinner has a start time and honestly, it’s usually 15ish minutes after I think and hope dinner will be ready but it’s always right after we say grace.

2. Saying grace encourages practicing patience as you wait for family members to gather

Oh that elusive virtue of patience – I think we could all use more of it! Because we don’t eat until after our mealtime prayer, each night we have an opportunity to practice patience as we come to the table and wait for the stragglers. For us, it’s often different family members we are waiting on. I love this definition of patience – “the capacity to accept … delay”. If you have toddlers, don’t expect to see this benefit for a decade or so. 🙂


3. Saying grace teaches the etiquette of waiting to dish until all have arrived at the table

Is etiquette still a thing? I like to think so and even if it’s not, I want my kids to mind their manners. After we pray, we pass the food around the table until everyone has everything and then we begin to eat. The “we” in that sentence is mostly Paul and I but we are continually reinforcing the principle that you should wait to eat until everyone has their food and sometimes it catches on.

4. Saying grace encourages expressing gratitude for blessings given

This is one of my favorite benefits of saying grace. Gratitude is all too often swallowed up in our wants and needs and stresses when in reality we have so much to be grateful for. Taking a moment as a family to say grace inspires us to consider and voice gratitude for blessings and for each other (one of our greatest blessings!).


5. Saying grace allows us to recognize our dependence on others

Last year we visited a working farm on our spring break trip. There was a huge sign there that said, “If you ate today, thank a farmer.” I loved it! We could put up signs everywhere that said, “If you ate today, thank a grocer.” Or “If you ate today, thank a trucker.” Get the idea? We are dependent on so many others and should acknowledge the part they play in our lives. If I was going to put up a sign, it’d most likely say, “If you ate today, thank your mother.”


6. Saying grace

Unfortunately, rushing and busyness has almost become an artform in family life and that’s not a good thing. Use saying a family prayer before your meal as a time for reflection and meditation. Be still and pause the craziness while you sit down to say grace and eat together.


7. Saying grace points us toward God

Just like a plant, faith needs to be nourished if you want it to grow. One of the best things I can as a mom, is teach my kids about God so they can turn to Him. Saying grace is a simple and consistent way to keep God in your family life.


See what a small and simple thing like saying a mealtime prayer as a family can yield? Begin or continue saying grace as a family and see what benefit you notice first.


Need some dinner inspiration? This meatloaf is quick, easy and my kid gobble it up or visit my recipe box for other ideas.

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