Three things to do every night at dinner

Three things to do every night at dinner to strengthen your family


You know that family dinner is about way more than the food. Obviously the food is an essential part of any family meal but the food doesn’t last. At my dinner table, it’s gone forever in about 20 minutes  – sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. I want to help the benefits of family dinner last forever. So, here are three things to do every night at dinner to help strengthen your family.


1. Say grace

Saying grace is taking a moment before you eat to pray as a family and thank God for your food and your blessings. Praying as a family brings a sense of unity and belonging. You act as one – you can all recite the same prayer or you can have one person who prays on behalf of everyone but either way, it’s a unique experience that links families together. If you’ve never prayed as a family, this will start off a little (or a lot) uncomfortable and awkward but persevere and pretty soon it will be the norm. Saying grace as a family is also a great way to build faith and encourage an attitude of gratitude. Not sure how to say grace as a family? I have a blog article half written about it, so in not too long there will be a link here. 🙂 But for now, there is just the announcement of one coming soon.


2. Share about your day

It sounds simple but do you actually take time to do it? Make it a nightly ritual to go around the table and have each person share something about their day. Follow up by asking questions or acknowledging their feelings – “how did you feel about that?” “what do you think that means for the future?” “that must have been hard, I’m sorry” “that’s so exciting, way to work hard!”  As each family member speaks, be interested in their live and be aware of their emotions. We all want to feel loved and valued and the dinner table is a great place to do this daily.


3. Coordinate schedules

The one question that someone asks in some form or fashion every night at our dinner table is “What’s the plan?” One of the ways we fight off anxiety and frustration as a family is that we communicate a lot – almost endlessly. We take time every night at dinner to go over “the plan” or the activities and expectations for that evening and the following day, as well as reminders of big things on the horizon that I want kids to be aware of. It’s a time to coordinate rides, give reminders, set expectations and allow for family members to ask questions and be informed. With so much going on in a busy household, coordinating schedules each night is a game changer.


Can you see how doing these three things every night at the dinner table can strengthen your family and make a difference? Like most things in life, it won’t be some drastic, overnight change but as you consistently gather your family to pray over your meal, talk about your days and coordinate schedules, your family relationships will be stronger. What are you waiting for? Go plan dinner for tonight. Need a quick dinner idea to help gather your family around the table? Here are two of my go-to’s – Simple Meatloaf or Chicken Enchiladas.

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