Cut through the chaos to make mealtimes meaningful

 to help you connect, create, and cultivate strong relationships to raise resilient kids.

take my family dinner quiz

Take the family dinner quiz now

Do you have the key ingredients?

I'm Shelley

Sounds extreme, right? Can family dinners at home really change the world? They totally can - particularly your world, your home and your family. I'm a mom to six busy kids who are growing up fast in a complicated world. I know that life can seem like  an endless loop of school, practices, lessons, games and work but there is one constant - kids always get hungry.

Gathering around the dinner table is the nightly tradition that connects us and brings us calm in our crazy. I'm here to help you make family dinner something that your family looks forward to every day. You can do it. I'm here to help.


I’m so glad you’ve stopped by. I’m a mom, retired musician, Blue Bell enthusiast and wannabe homesteader and I think family dinners at home can change the world.



Recipe BOX

Let's get dinner on the table

What if you could love dinnertime?

You can be having a wonderful day and until you hear the dreaded question,
 "Mom, what's for dinner?". 

What if you had an answer to those words AND a way that your kids could help you out in the kitchen? What if you looked forward to the nightly ritual of connecting and caring for your kids at the dinner table?

Well, I'm here to help you make dinner time fun and easy. Yes, it will be messy, but that's how memories are made and relationships formed.  Check out the blog for my favorite mealtime tips.

Check out the blog now